Sunday, 26 July 2015

Visions and Missions

What are vision and mission statements? Have you ever really thought about them, or is this just another lot of marketing? I used to think so and didn’t pay them much heed. More recently I have been in discussions with a friend of mine who deals with many corporate businesses. He asked me about my vision and it was difficult to reply. I know what I am about but how do I tell somebody else? If it is difficult for me to articulate this, am I really getting my point across to my clients and my team? So, I began to think about it in earnest and here is the result.

Mission: Connecting companions

Vision: As a team of dedicated veterinary health care professionals we openly explore all opportunities in our worlds.

Using integrative healing methods we aspire to find unsurpassed, individual solutions best suited to all.

We are committed to quality of life for all our companions. We achieve this through physical rehabilitation, pain management, education and community support.

What does this have to do with me, and you? Let me explain.

First of all, if you are a patient it means that I will give you my absolute best in terms of finding a solution to your ailment. I do this by drawing on my knowledge which I have accumulated through years of study. I still continue to read and learn – in this field and others. Then, I use my experience which I have gained through trial and error. Each patient I have treated, both in conventional practice and rehabilitation, has contributed to this store. You, as a patient, will also give to this vat of experience. I also rely on my intuition, my gut feel. Is this scientific? Not according to current articles and papers, but it has saved countless animals and people. Finally, I gather my intention. Foremost is the absolute desire to make my patient feel better. This intention is held in love. By holding this space we allow healing. Put all of those together and I believe we have “the art of healing”. I think the ‘art’ has been lost in modern medicine but that is a topic for another day.

Secondly, if you are my client – the guardian of my patient – I offer you this: A space in which you may safely voice your concerns, fears and emotions. I have ears that listen, not to formulate a reply but to ascertain your needs. I give you honesty and integrity. If I can offer you a solution or a plan then I will set it out. If I do not have an answer, or the problem is beyond my knowledge and skill, I will do my utmost to find the information or refer you to the person/facility/profession that I believe will help.

Thirdly, if you are a team member I welcome you to join in my mission. For you I offer the space in which you can explore your talents and abilities, and use them ‘for the greater good’. I ask of you to hold the same space for me and the other team members to allow us to be the best that we can be. The foundation of this space is intention. Each team member brings a unique energy to the patient, the client, and the other team members.

So, patients, clients and team members are intrinsically linked. Our intention is to facilitate healing in patients, guardians and ourselves. All interconnected, all rippling out and touching others, all with the greatest of intention.

How cool is that?!