Saturday, 17 October 2015


"Experience is not what happens, but what we do with what happens." Aldous Huxley

This is a story about people. I want to pay tribute to all the people that walk into my life. In this instance I am referring to those that walk through the doors of my physical rehabilitation facility, or those associated with it in some way.

To begin, there are my very loyal clients that have been there from the beginning. We have become friends and I value your honesty and opinions. When there is change, I know I can rely on you to help me stay in focus. I look forward to our appointments, whether weekly or monthly. You are my stabilising force.

Then there are the challenges. For me these are made up of clients who demand a lot from me in terms of emotional investment. Any emotional vibration, especially in the form of distress, can be overpowering and it is easy to be drawn into the drama. You have challenged me to keep the balance between objectivity and compassion. You have taught me to go deep within myself to find personal stability so that I can focus these consultations into positive experiences, perhaps not always for the humans but hopefully always for my patients. You are the force that drives me to develop a sense of equilibrium.

The well-read and knowledgeable clients keep me on my toes. Those that think out of the box and are often faced with difficult decisions about the quality of life of their companions. You continue to encourage me to find solutions, often unconventional and, admittedly, not always successful. You stimulate my mind and it is exciting to consider options and make new discoveries. Many of you recognise that we are on a journey and this motivates me to seek answers. You broaden my horizons. I store all of these new experiences and am able to draw on them for future patients. You are the force that stimulates me to grow both professionally and intellectually.

This story would be incomplete without mentioning my colleagues. Animal physical rehabilitation is an emerging field, and as it grows we bring in more aspects that allow us to improve our results. Each one of us seems to have a different interest within the field. I am delighted that all are willing to share training and experiences. This also opens my eyes and increases my considerations. You are my guides.

Not to be forgotten, and a more recent development at the hydro, are the students. These come from all walks of life - vets, nurses, physio students and canine behaviourists. Your perspective is unique. By listening to your ideas and views, the programs developed for the patients are more diverse and comprehensive. You are my teachers.

Last, but not least, my team at Animal Health and Hydro, past and present. Each one of you adds value. I embrace your individuality. Although working with so many different personalities is sometimes difficult you have taught me much about business structure, time management and leadership. I have had to embrace aspects of myself that have laid dormant all my life, and which I would have preferred to ignore. You are my stimulus to evaluate and respond.

In closing, my heartfelt thanks and gratitude. You are part of my journey as I am part of yours. Long may it continue.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Cole's Story

I am one of the suppliersof BioPreparation, a remarkable algae formulation which assist animals, and people, to attain optimum health. I was privileged to play a small role in Cole's story but even more heartwarming is the story as related by his guardian. This is such a good example of considering all aspects of healing. What a result!

Here is the link: